By Betsy Blodgett on Wednesday, 07 November 2018
Category: Picasso

Picasso Top & Pants Sew Along Part Five: Finishing the Pant

Welcome to the final post of the Picasso Sew Along! Last week we created the Picasso Top and this week we started the Pants, which we will finish today. I'm eager to see how the outfit looks together, so let's get sewing!

 Turn one leg to the outside and insert it into the other leg. With right sides together and matching notches, pin and stitch the crotch seam. 

Stitch again ʺ from the previous stitching between the two notches. Finish the seam together and press to one side along the straight portion of the seam. 

Fold the Waistband in half lengthwise with wrong sides together and press. 

​Now unfold the Waistband and finish one long edge, removing ¼ʺ while finishing. 

With right sides together, matching notches, stitch the narrow ends of the Waistband together. Trim the seam allowance and press it open. 

With right sides together, place the unfinished edge of the Waistband to the top of the pants. Match the center back seams and dots to the tucks. Stitch. Trim the seam allowance and press it towards the Waistband. 

To form the elastic casing, turn the Waistband wrong sides together along the foldline. With the right side of the fabric up, stitch-in-the-ditch through all the layers, leaving a 2ʺ opening centered over the left dot and tuck. To stitch-in-the-ditch you will keep the needle in the well of the seam allowance that was created by stitching the Waistband to the top of the pants. It helps to pin parallel and in the ditch to prevent the Waistband from shifting.

Trim your 1" elastic piece the length suggested in the pattern instructions. To feed the elastic through the casing, I place a medium or large safety pin on the end that I will be guiding through the casing. 

​From the wrong side, begin feeding the elastic through the opening at the left dot/tuck. Guide the elastic towards the right dot/tuck and continue towards the back. 

When the opposite end of the elastic reaches the right dot/tuck, pin the elastic in place. On the right side use a Chakoner to draw a line from the top of the tuck to the top of the Waistband. Measure over 1" and draw a parallel line. Make sure the end of the elastic is under both lines. Topstitch along the lines to secure the elastic. 

Continue feeding the elastic through the casing to the left dot/tuck. Pin the edge to secure and use a Chakoner to draw topstitching lines, as you did in the previous step. Topstich along the two lines to secure. Stitch-in-the-ditch along the opening to finish sewing the Waistband. 

To hem the pants, press the bottom hems in place again. Topstitch 1" from the bottom. 

I hope you enjoyed the Picasso Sew Along. If you have any other questions about the instructions, please feel free to email me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. All of our Sew Alongs are available on the blog so be sure to check out the Zayn, FrankieStafford, Cottage and London Sew Alongs for step-by-step instructions.