By Linda Lee on Tuesday, 19 July 2011
Category: Tutorials

Whistles Shirt Without the Whistles

Whistle-less shirt in a handkerchief weight stripe linen that is easy to sew and wear.

I love the Whistles Shirt, both long and short, and I have made it many times. But the flanges (extensions) in the front and back identify the pattern so uniquely, that you can just make only so many of them.

It has been incredibly hot here in Kansas this summer, so I am looking for cool, but professional-looking, one-layer garments to make and wear to the office. Since I like the basic easy fit of the Whistles Shirt, I took another look at it and decided I could eliminate all of the extra details and it would fall into that category of "that basic shirt" that looks good in any fabric.

So to simplify the Whistles, you will need only 4 pattern pieces:

15 Left Front

16 Left Back

18 Sleeve

19 Collar

Use the Left Front as both the left and right fronts - so cut two.

Add pattern paper to the Left Back and extend the center back line from the neck to the bottom and place that line on the fold of the fabric to cut one complete back piece.

Use the sleeve and collar patterns as is.

Then construct the pattern according to the guide sheet, just leaving out the flanges. It is so easy. I can make this in one night (not a short one, mind you), but one, nevertheless.

The black and white shirt has all the pieces and is made in a great cotton Dubuffett-style print - S2066 Dubuffet-style Cotton Print