threadWEAR 301
Pleated Riviera
Riviera Pleated Top, Japanese Printed Cottons
To mark the front facing edge, turn 3/8 to wrong side for narrow hem and edge stitch hem in place.
Mark next line 1 7/8 wide and then 2 wide—this will be the front facing fold. Mark all other lines 1 1/2 apart.
Make a peak-fold between 2 line and first 1 1/2 line. Match this fold edge to next chalked line. Continue in this fashion until the pleated fabric has enough width to fit the Left Front piece. You most likely will have to piece the fabric widths together to get enough width since cottons tend to be around 45 wide. Try to hide the seam in one of the pleats. I needed a width of around 55 to get a pleated width of 20" which was enough to cut the left front.