On a recent trip to Eureka Springs, Arkansas, Melissa Greene showed me two linen vests that she had made using both the Liberty Shirt and the Tosca Dress patterns as starting points. I was so intrigued, that I just knew that I had to make some summer vests incorporating that concept.
threadWEAR 301
We were jam packed in our Kansas Avenue studio with 14 lovely garment sewing teachers to Kick-Off Teacher Training for Sew Confident! (see more info here)
Whenver we have a Sewing Retreat or Teacher Training Workshop, our patterns are on display. It's like a fashion show.
Favorite pattern of the day? Tosca Dress
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Erin wore a Purple Polka Dot Tosca Dress, belted with tall black boots. Too add a little bit more, she wore it as a “jumper” with a Urban T-Shirt underneath.
Linda kept it simple wearing a Black Tosca Dress, leggings and her beautiful quilted ankle boots. Sadly, in all the hustle & bustle Linda's picture wasn't taken in full. But here's a great group shot taken after a hard days work!
The customers seemed to really like seeing our new pattern on all 3 of us. We made a statement!

The perfect coat for this Northeast rainy weather, the Soho. I love the vibrant red with the black toggles. Great detail!
Color blocking is so in fashion lately. And Marilynn always knows how to pull it off! I think someone found her new “signature” color. That teal blue is dynamite in the Liberty Shirt!
We finally have a new dress pattern! And with all the Tosca Dress garments we keep seeing at the expo, it seems our customers were excited too! I love it in this Grey Wool Knit. So flattering!
I think Karen likes the San Diego Jacket pattern (she was wearing 3 yesterday) Shown here as a vest in the most glorious crinkle fabric. I think we need to go fabric shopping together.
The first day of the Sewing & Stitchery Expo is complete-and we had a blast! It’s always so fun to meet & be reintroduced to all of our loyal & inspiring customers. We love when customers come up to the booth wearing our patterns. Whether the patterns (and fabric too) were purchased in our booth last year, or many years before, it’s always fun to see how each individual creates the pattern for them. The fabric choices, the design elements, the details that really make the garment all about them!
Here are just a few great pictures that I captured today.
This Trio Top is fabulous! The blend of black & white cottons and linens is subtle, yet dramatic with the piecing in front, as well as on the back yoke.
We've had so much fun the past couple of days doing a photoshoot! We're like kids in a candy store. Playing dress up: putting on garments, mixing & matching, layering and adding accessories. What better way to spend an afternoon.
Linda, Kathy & Erin each have their own unique style. We decided put together a few looks to introduce our latest pattern, the Tosca Dress. Three different people, wearing the same pattern in completely different ways.