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Make This With That Roundup Three


​Need more inspiration? Check out this roundup of #makethiswiththat inspiration. You'll see ideas for everything from Tahoe Pants to the Berwick St. Tunic. 

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Make This With That Roundup Two


 Here are more great ready-to-wear inspiration posts from our #MakeThisWithThat series on Instagram. Read on to see some great ideas for the Whistles Shirt, Stafford Jacket, Picasso Pants and more!

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Make This With That! Roundup One


Over the last year we have been featuring #makethiswiththat posts on The Sewing Workshop Instagram page. In this series we feature ready-to-wear clothes as inspiration for using Sewing Workshop garments. Here is the first roundup of our posts from 2019. 

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Add design details to the Splice Top


I love finding ways to incorporate small pieces of fabric in garments as added design details. As soon as I saw the Splice Top, I knew I wanted to make a feature of the side insert panel and also highlight the bateau neckline. Read on to learn how I did it!

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Berwick St. Tunic Sew Along Part Six: Finishing the Berwick!


Welcome back to the Berwick St. Tunic Sew Along. Today is the day when we finish the project! If you have been sewing along with us, we would love to see the photos of your Berwick. Share them on Instagram with the hashtag #berwicksewalong. Now, let's get sewing...

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